Linea del tiempo

  • 2020

    The High Academic Performance Program (P.A.R.A. per its acronym in Spanish) is born to Promote the academic and psychosocial development in students between 6 and 18 years of age, increasing their school performance, reducing school dropouts and raising their chances of future academic and work success.
  • 2020

    The Early Childhood program is launched to promote cognitive, linguistic, socio-emotional and motor development in children under 6 years of age, laying the foundations for an adequate development that allows them to reach their maximum potential in the future.
  • 2020

    Seed for Education is born, a sponsorship scheme where Smurfit Kappa employees sponsor children with Academic Excellence to support them to with their studies.
  • 2019

    World Cleanup Day’s held for the first time, a global initiative for cleaning public spaces with the participation of 1,147 volunteers participated and more than 15 tons of liter where collected and properly disposed of.
  • 2019

    Launch of Back to School: Self Improvement has no age program to enhance Smurfit Kappa México employees to finish their Middle and high school studies.
  • 2018

    The Community Centre Facilities are inaugurated with more than 600 sqm building and 14,000 sqm of Green areas.